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Have you ever dream about your personal secret laboratory for different experiments ? Here you have such opportunity, Multifunctional Laboratory is consists of various modules for interesting The Sprint Lab Map is a six level parkour map with lots of tough challenges. You will love to play on this parkour map because it so immersive, I can say from my own experience once you start to play on it you will never want to stop until… Play the first part here.IntroductionThis map is the sequel of Escape the Lab, the number 2 map in Curse's Top 100 Minecraft Worlds. Lab Escape is a puzzle/adventure map. It is filled with original puzzles and Parkour challenges as well as many Easter eggs. Minecraft Project">
Pixelmon Map [1.7.10] by
Ultra Modern City Map for Minecraft 1.7.10/1.7.2 and 1.6.4 - This map is likely one of the bigger cities I’ve seen in Minecraft which includes a sprawling metropolis, suburban areas, mansions and lots of different superb sights to see. Hogwarts Map for Minecraft 1.7.10 and 1.7.2 - Have you ever ever watched harry potter? nicely I ought to ask who’ve “not” watched harry potter earlier than for the reason that film was so widespread even my nice nice auntie is aware of it. DanTDM Lab for minecraft pe with treasure room recreated by me this map includes filled chests with random stuff an undergrounf railway network to the near village hope you enjoy : )please like comment and subscribeYou can donate on : (paypal) minecraft server.1.7.10.jar - Minecraft Versions Official Minecraft Server - Warcraft 3 Map Dota Ai Download Free Dota ai Dota: Galacticraft Mars New Mod 1.7.10/1.8.2 The easiest way to download Mods, Resource Packs, Maps, Skins for Minecraft 1.9.2, 1.9, 1.8.9 and 1.7.10 for Minecraft-Inside
seen as there already has been released another version of the map which has too many mistakes in my opinion, I've decided to upload my one - The lab itself is 100% exact as Dan's, and I've also added some of the environment around it (which is not 100% exact but looks close) I ope you guys enjoy the map!
The Sprint Lab Map is a six level parkour map with lots of tough challenges. You will love to play on this parkour map because it so immersive, I can say from my own experience once you start to play on it you will never want to stop until…